Cut Flowers

The fourth piece in the Isolation series, looks at our senior population.
The most vulnerable during the pandemic. They had to bear this alone without loved ones at hand and a staggering number have fallen prey to this virus.
The depth of unsanitary conditions in our long-term care facilities has added to the death toll of our senior population.
Cut flowers signifies that whilst the term of life for our elders is finite, they still need a full vase of water, they still need the sunshine and care that a potted plant would. They can remain and fresh and bloom with love till they wither and it’s our duty to make sure they are taken care of.
Here I show the fragility of an elder embedded in florals. My palette here has some earth tones to signify the ‘ashes to ashes, dust to dust’ of a life lived till the end.


36x24 inches


Fluid Inks and Oils